
Member#: 6644 Location: Registered: 27-05-2007 Diary Entries: 3146
10th May 2014
Windsurfing: The Dip-Felixstowe Wind Direction: sw Wind Stength: 20/25 Surf / Sea State: big Air Temperature: 15 Sea Temperature: 10 Weather: sunny periods Max Speed: 27.5 (knots - unless stated otherwise) Distance Covered: 6.5 :( (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)
With our van being repaired I was a bit limited where I could go, there was
a demo day at Dovercourt but the direction was not great there and I
couldn't get my gear to Southend so when my mate Neil Hurrell rang and said
he was coming to Felixstowe and he could take my trailer to the beach :) It
was a miserable start to the day and the forecast of sunshine and showers
with the wind swinging about picking somewhere to sail was the biggest
problem.With no one about we ended up going to The Dip where the wind was
cross shore mand fingers crossed that it wouldn't go off ??? There was only
5 of us there :( so Neil and Roger rigged 5.7, Swainy went for 5.4,James
Bushnell 5.2 and it didn't seem that windy - after looking at my 5.6 it had
a broken battern so I took a chance with my 6.4 on my 100 lt board and it
was okay but the sea rough and not much fun :( I tried the 5.6 on my wave
board but just couldn't get it going and when I slipped off - needed some
wax !!! I put a hole in my sail !!! - small board/sail sailing is not for
me unless it's on flatwater !! We had 3 sailors turn up but they decided to
go to the Fludgers and with the wind now swinging all over the place and up
and down too it was a bad day :( I then had ago on the old Xantos and got
my fastest runs but it was hard sailing straight into big waves. It then
rained really hard and the wind dropped so I called it a day. Thank
goodness I am working tomorrow on a road closesure for the ladies British
bike race finish at Bury - looking forward to it :)
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